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Happy New Year!

The CPP team would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our friends, acquaintances, clients or colleagues, a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2018.

Last year was a terrific year for our business, with much to be excited by. Kirsty made a successful transition from her Consultant post in the NHS to a full-time role in CPP. Since doing so, she has been very active in the field of Family Law. She recently gave a successful keynote at the Family Law Association annual conference in St Andrews, and is currently involved in a significant range of interesting and complex cases. Jenny continues to balance a full and busy caseload of children, families and adults, and has been able to build her specialism in ASD assessments throughout 2017. Last year, Simon travelled with a variety of projects to the US, Australia, the Middle East, and all over Europe. 2018 promises to be just as busy for him, with a role to look forward to as part of Team Scotland at the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast Australia.

Our team remain committed to providing the best service we can to our clients – whether that’s through offering psychological treatment or therapy, expert opinion and legal reports, or assessment and advice to the many people we help, in the many settings we help them!

We are always open to being contacted with questions about what we do, or about how we may be able to help. Our email addresses are below, or the best number is 01786 611 499, where you can leave us a voicemail. We look forward to hearing from you!

Yours in psychology,

Simon, Kirsty & Jenny

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